Inspired by this blog post. The R code below creates the individual video frames (a Clifford attractor where one of the four parameters is stepped along with the frame count), which are then knitted together using FFMPEG.
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library(Rcpp)library(ggplot2)library(dplyr)library(foreach)library(doParallel)registerDoParallel(parallel::detectCores())pic_dir <-"pics"output_video <-"output.mp4"opt =theme(legend.position ="none",panel.background =element_rect(fill="black"),plot.margin =margin(0, 0, -8, -8, unit ="pt"),axis.ticks =element_blank(),panel.grid =element_blank(),axis.title =element_blank(),axis.text =element_blank())cppFunction('DataFrame createTrajectory(int n, double x0, double y0, double a, double b, double c, double d) { // create the columns NumericVector x(n); NumericVector y(n); x[0]=x0; y[0]=y0; for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { x[i] = sin(a*y[i-1])+c*cos(a*x[i-1]); y[i] = sin(b*x[i-1])+d*cos(b*y[i-1]); } // return a new data frame return DataFrame::create(_["x"]= x, _["y"]= y); } ')# attractor parametersa=-1.24458046630025b=-1.25191834103316c=-1.81590817030519d=-1.90866735205054# video settingsfps <-60duration_secs <-30frac_change <-2# fractional change in "a" param over course of videomax_a <- a + (a*frac_change/2)min_a <- a - (a*frac_change/2)a_vec <-seq(from = min_a, to = max_a, by = (a*frac_change)/((fps-1)*duration_secs)) # loop over parameter, write out pngforeach (i =1:length(a_vec)) %dopar% { filename <-file.path(pic_dir, paste0("pic_", i, ".png")) df =createTrajectory(10000000, 0, 0, a_vec[i], b, c, d) p <-ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +geom_point(color ="white", shape =46, alpha = .3) + optggsave(plot = p, filename = filename, width =10.8, height =10.8, dpi =100)}#### FFMPEG ####command <-paste0("ffmpeg -y -r ", fps, " -f image2 -s 1080x1080 -i ", pic_dir,"/pic_%d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p ", output_video)system(command = command)# unlink(pic_dir, recursive = TRUE) # tidy up